Dear 2023...
Dear 2023,
Many of us can look back and agree that it’s been quite a tumultuous year, but for many of us here in Boston, it was also a year of growth and unexpected joys. As a church, we entered our third year since planting in 2021, and experienced some milestone spiritual moments: we started with four different retreats and a Northeast Vision trip to kick off the year, where many of you experienced some spiritual markers.

We also had not one, but two baptism services – one after Easter and another in the summer (congrats Kevin, Kelsey, Chloe, Aaron, and Amir)! That same summer we got to send some students and mentors to the foreign mission field in Southeast Asia (Cambodia and the Philippines!)
Praise God for the many reminders we had of what a life-saving and life-giving God we have, who has welcomed us into His family and actively involves us in His mission.
And of course, we welcomed in a new freshman class (shout out ℅ 2027)! What a week of welcome 😮💨

For many of you personally, this year was also full of new experiences and transitions: for the freshmen, it was a huge year starting college in a new environment, navigating life on your own for the first time. For our returning students, it was learning to navigate life without all the sparkle and excitement of your freshman year, and having to seriously consider what you want to do with your life. It’s no wonder college is called one of the most formative years of our lives.
But along the way, we also made new friends, met fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and filled our year with precious memories:

Happy 2024 Reclaimer College Church! Glory be to our God who has rescued each of us and given us a new song to sing. Looking forward to this new year!